
Perfect Existence

Kitty Photo of the Day


Zen Quote of The Day
Find perfect existence through imperfect existence


catmaSutra cat art of the Day

Look for the stillness 
that underlies everything.
Before you sleep,
make a list of ten little things
that made you happy.



Cook with Love

Kitty photo of the day

Zen Quote of the Day
Cook with love -
it's what separates good food from mere fuel.

catmaSutra cat art of the day

Seize the novelty and uniqueness of every moment

Be just plain happy.
Be happy in the being
and the knowing.

What you do for yourself,
you are doing for others,
and what you do for others,
you are doing for yourself.

Trust the connection
you have with the world.
Carry it in your heart.



Generous Thought

Kitty photo of the day

Zen Quote of the day
No point in trying to plan everything out,
dive into the present moment and tap
into your wellspring of intuitive guidance. 

catmaSutra cat art of the Day

Think generous thoughts



Let them go

Kitty photo of the Day

From Tabbymom was B and V Cats' photostream

Zen Quote of the Day
Be aware of actions, emotional states, intentions,
and mental and physcial reactions.
then let them go.

Morning Cat

Be like a lotus,
Open your heart and
drink in the morning sun



The Bearable Lightness of Being

Zen Quote of the day
Sit, stop, become a human still life.
Do nothing,
be nothing,
except breathe.

catmaSutra cat art of the Day

Kitty photo of the day



The Art of Mindful Living

Zen Quote of the day
The art of mindful living requires keen interest
and a lifetime of gentle and determined effort,
remembering to wake up over and over again.

catmaSutra cat art of the Day, The Pilgrimage

Kitty photo of the day

Introducing Kitty Kong aka Mr. Grrr
aka Señor Pablo Kitty (the mountain lion)
From  dfe's photostream
